b'IMPACT: KNOWING THE STORYLandmark Evaluation Report Released: Echoes & Reflections U.S. College Survey A national survey commissioned by Echoes & Reflections,with Holocaust education no Holocaust educationa partnership program of USC Shoah Foundation, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Yad Vashem, shows\x19\x1e% \x1a\x1e%that Holocaust education in high school not only reflectsknowing a lot or aknowing a lot or a moderate amountmoderate amount gains in historical knowledge, but also cultivates moreabout theabout the empathetic, tolerant and engaged students. Additionally,Holocaust Holocaustthe survey countered previous studies suggesting that Holocaust education does not work. made connections between the Students with Holocaust education reported greaterHolocaust and modern day eventsknowledge about the Holocaust than their peers who did not receive Holocaust education; 78 percent of students\x1f\x1e% \x1d\x1c%with Holocaust education reported knowing a lot or aexposed tono survivormoderate amount about the Holocaust, compared to 58survivor testimonypercent of students with no Holocaust education. testimonyThe results of the survey, which received additionalunderstand the importance of support from Board of Councilors member Dr. Marcispeaking up against any stereotypingGringlas Seed the Dream Foundation and Executive Committee member Yossie Hollander, indicate that\x1b\x1a% \x1f\x1a%exposure to Holocaust survivor testimony is stronglyexposed tono survivorassociated with numerous positive outcomes in earlysurvivor testimonyadulthood, including higher critical thinking skills and atestimonygreater sense of social responsibility. understand how the Holocaust happenedStudents with Holocaust education are significantly more likely to report willingness to challenge incorrect\x19\x1c% \x1a\x18%or biased information (28% more likely), challengeexposed tono survivorintolerant behavior in others (12% more likely), andsurvivor testimonystand up to negative stereotyping (20% more likely).testimonyWhen presented with a bullying scenario, students withup against any stereotyping; and understand how the Holocaust education reported being more likely to offerHolocaust happened.help and were 50 percent less likely to do nothing. Finci-Viterbi Executive Director Stephen Smith further Students also indicated that their Holocaust educationdiscussed the surveys findings in a September op-ed.(with survivor testimony and without) had helped them: make connections between the Holocaust and modern-day events; understand the importance of speaking 16 2020 ANNUAL REPORT Read the survey op-ed'