b'IMPACT: ANNUAL FUNDThis is a standard heading textWhen Nancy Fudem and her son Jonathan were contemplating ways to honor the memory of Nancys husband Frank, a prominent San Francisco commercial real estate broker who passed away in 2012, they decided that a fitting tribute would be to create a legacy of scholarship in Franks name, allowing others to use education to better themselves and the world at large. Working with USC Shoah Foundation, they established the Frank Fudem Research Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Genocide Studies (CAGR).The Fudem Fellowship allows advanced-standing Ph.D. candidates from any academic discipline to spend a month in residency at CAGR utilizing testimony within the Visual History Archive to further their understanding of genocides ca Supporting academic reseaPictured left to right: Mia Michaels, Tamar Elkeles, Dr. Edith Eger and Larry MichaelsSpotlight: Tamar Elkelesdaughter, Mia, was preparing for her bat mitzvah project, they worked closely with USC Shoah Foundation to and Larry Michaels connect with Holocaust survivor Dr. Edith Eger. Mia After being introduced to USC Shoah Foundation 15interviewed Dr. Eger about her life and experiences as years ago, Tamar Elkeles and Larry Michaels becamea survivor and communicated what she learned to her invested in continuing the work of preserving Holocaustcommunity and peers through school and at her bat survivor testimonies. Many of their own relativesmitzvah. were killed in the Holocaust, and they keenly felt theWe cant thank USC Shoah Foundation enough responsibility to carry the torch for future generations.for the support we received in order to make Mias Tamar believes that educating our children andMitzvah project so meaningful, Larry said. Additionally, our communities about tolerance and appreciation forby connecting us with Jennifer Greenspan, Executive differences is paramount for our present and futureDirector of Leadership Annual Giving and Constituent generations. Supporting USC Shoah Foundation ensuresRelations, we were able to create a custom Mobile Giving our Jewish history and stories of survival will not bepage that enabled Mia to raise the funds from her friends forgotten. Its a mitzvah to connect our children to theand family in a simple and efficient way.Holocaust, emphasizing to them the importance of the strength and perseverance of the Jewish people. Larry and Tamar also emphasize the importance of storytelling in sharing Jewish history. When their 2020 ANNUAL REPORT31'