b'IMPACT: KNOWING THE STORYIWitness: Mindful Explorations Through TestimonyDuring an unprecedented time of isolation brought on I will remember these by the COVID-19 pandemic, USC Shoah Foundationseducational programming brought the power of story totestimonies when I students around the world. While young people copedfind myself in trying with loss of structure and social network, staff honed in on social and emotional learning with a series of Mindfulsituations. When I feel like Explorations activities and webinars.giving up, I will remember These testimony-based lessons develop introspection and social-emotional capacities as they challenge studentsthat these people to reflect on the obstacles they may face, the goals theywent through the most have for themselves and the relationships they aspire to create and maintain. unimaginable experiences Program highlights include: and remained resilient,Reached students in 44 different statesstrong and hopeful. Nearly 4,000 attended webinars, live and on-demandIWitness Student, TorontoSuite of 24 IWitness activities available for download featuring testimonies from across Institute collections Dimensions in Testimonyinteractive biography, making it the second-most assigned Debuts in IWitness of all IWitness activities.Integrating advanced filming techniques, specialized display technologies and next generation natural language processing, USC Shoah Foundations Dimensions in Testimony (DiT) enables people to ask questions that prompt real-time responses from pre-recorded video interviews with Holocaust survivors and other witnesses to genocide. With the support of the Snider Foundation, these pioneering interactive biographies have been integrated into the Institutes educational platform IWitness, which is now home to a path-breaking online teaching tool to enable students and educators to ask questions of Holocaust survivor Pinchas Gutter via his I love that this program allows DiT interactive biography. my students the interactive By listening to one another, asking questions andopportunities currently curbed sharing stories, students build awareness of the similaritiesdue to the passage of time and and differences that unite us and make us uniquely who wethe COVID epidemic. are. The experience of a conversation can help to encourage appreciation, trust and meaningful relationships. IWitness EducatorIn the first two weeks after launch, 250+ students and educators logged over 1000 interactions with PinchasEngage with Pinchas Gutter2020 ANNUAL REPORT17'