b'FINANCIALSUSC SHOAH FOUNDATION OPERATIONAL INFORMATION(For calendar year January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020)Net Assets:$47,017,642ANNUAL OPERATING REVENUE TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE = $14,144,744ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES TOTALResearch AccessTOTAL EXPENSES = $12,088,701Management& 12.0% 18.5%Administration17.7%EducationGlobal Outreach 31.4%20.3%Note: USC Shoah Foundation (USCSF) reports its financials on a fiscal year basis, from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. These financial snapshots capture USCSFs financial activities for calendar year 2020 (January thru December 2020) in order to align financials with the programs and/or services highlighted in this Annual Report. **Net assets include gift and grant pledges; endowment principal and cash investments; and cash and cash equivalents.4 2020 ANNUAL REPORT'