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In Italy


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© Stefano Pasta 2010.

Statistics on the school attendance of Roma and Sinti minors in Italy vary considerably according to their source, and a reliable overall picture is not yet available.

  • Illiteracy: 19.2% of all Roma and Sinti minors in Italy (Source: EU Inclusive – Fondazione Casa della Carità) and as many as 41.42% of all minors who live in Rome’s "nomad camps" (Source: Italian Red Cross, 2008 census).
  • In some Italian municipalities, many school services connected with the right to education (school canteen, support for disabled pupils, scholarships) are denied to Roma pupils who do not have official residency status.
  • In some Italian schools when being enrolled, Roma minors, whether Italian or foreign nationals, are recorded as “nomadic” schoolchildren. Even the Italian Ministry of Education uses the classification “nomadic” students.

© Stefano Pasta 2013.

Bambini rom romeni a Milano (Italia). Vivere in una baraccopoli può rendere difficile frequentare con regolarità e successo la scuola.

Further Reading