Italy: The National Strategy
A new government came into power in Italy in late 2011, and its cabinet Minister for International Cooperation and Integration, Andrea Riccardi, promoted the creation of an inter-ministerial discussion group tasked with drafting a structural, nationwide plan for the social inclusion of Roma and Sinti people so Italy can have access to European funds that it has not applied for or used adequately thus far. It was within this context that Italy launched its “National Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Travellers” implementing the European Commission's Communication N. 173 of 2011.
• Measures taken by European institutions to fight racism, xenophobia and intolerance, as well as to strengthen social cohesion and in particular to protect all minorities including the Roma, Sinti and Traveller communities in the EU.
• An outline of the national strategy for the social inclusion of Roma, Sinti and travellers, in view of the implementation of the European commission's communication N. 173 of 2011.
• Good practices. Areas of intervention: health, employment, education/training and living conditions.
How to prevent conflicts and create a society of coexistence
Local administrations in a few Italian cities have promoted inclusive policies to the benefit of Roma people.
In open opposition to the “demagogical” approach, such policies represent a positive example of diversification of local policy tools vis-à-vis the Gypsy population.
• Vitale T., Caruso L., "Ripensare le politiche a livello locale dentro il quadro di una tutela nazionale delle minoranze", in Bonetti P., Simoni A., Vitale T., "La condizione di rom e sinti in Italia", Giuffrè, Milano, 2011, pp. 1241-1260. Abstract.
• Vitale T., "Sociologia dei conflitti contro i rom e i sinti in Italia. Pluralità di contesti e varietà di policy instruments", in Fiorita N., Giolo O., Re L. (edf), "La 'minoranza insicura'. I rom e sinti in Europa", Jura Gentium, V (2009), 1. Citation.
Via Rubattino, Milan: a school of solidarity
• The story Milan, November 19, 2009: the via Rubattino shantytown, inhabited by about 300 Roma, is forcibly evacuated by the police… The evacuation is deliberately played up to reassure the Milanese… It prompts an unexpected reaction by many Milanese citizens, who mobilize in defense of the Roma.
• The book Giunipero E., Robbiati F., "I Rom di via Rubattino. Una scuola di solidarietà", Paoline, Milano, 2011.
• The video "Seminateci bene" [‘Sow us well’], a video by Emanuele Cucca, Sara Fasullo, Rossella Midili, Francesca Picchi, students at Milan's City Filmmaking School.
• Stanchina E., "Noi i rom li aiutiamo. Lettura relazionale di un'azione locale di volontariato", in Lavoro sociale, settembre 2011, pp. 255-269.