Giving Memory A Future
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The mass media

The media hardly ever cover Roma and Sinti issues except on the following, rare occasions:
- when one of them dies in the fire in the shantytown where they live;
- when a conflict arises between Roma and Sinti people and city administrations or individual non-Roma citizens —as is increasingly often the case— over issues connected with forcible evictions or with the state of dilapidation and neglect of the camps they live in;
 when one or more Roma people commit crimes.

In the latter case, the media devote much more lavish coverage on such incidents—viewed as expedient in creating a splash and intentionally alarming the public — than Roma people ever get when protesting against the absence of legislation in Italy protecting them as an ethnic minority, or when they demand plans to help them overcome their socially disadvantaged status.


Italian mass media: a few cases

Copper thief = Roma? Not always.

• Gli articoli di Matteo Legnani.

The Anti-Roma campaign of Cronaca qui.

Xenophobia throughout the Posters.

 Calcioscommesse e la "banda degli zingari".

In Italy: Articolo3 di Mantova. Rapporti annuali.


Di Giovanni E., "Anti-Ziganismo e mass media"



European mass media: a few cases


30% of cases of discrimination in Spain are produced by the media (Source: Fundación Secretariado Gitano – Spain). Report: "Discrimination and Roma community".

Un préfet à l'apéro pour fêter le départ des Roms - France.

Monteiro clan - Portugal.

In Other Words - Europe - Web Observatory & Review for Discrimination alerts & Stereotypes deconstruction.



(La Provence, November 20,
2011, France)

(Cover of Panorama,
July 10, 2008, Italy)


Social networks

On the World Wide Web and on social networks, comments about 'Gypsies' can be highly racist, and the Porrajmos or Gypsy Holocaust, is sometimes openly invoked.

"In order to understand the degree of spread of this creeping anti-Gypsy racism in Italy it is (...) enough to browse the pages of Facebook, currently the most popular social network, a forum where millions of people living in Europe's main countries have now registered freely in order to have conversations in a sort of long-distance discussion forum. Facebook offers users a chance to freely form groups and autonomously propose a topic for debate. Now if you look up “Gypsies” to find what groups are discussing this issue, you will easily come up with a list of about 20 in the Italian language alone, and you will see that participants in most of them—hundreds of people—openly call for a new genocide of the Roma and Sinti people to be carried out post haste. I did a similar search but using the terms “Jews” and got less discouraging results: most groups discuss considerations regarding the memory of the Holocaust and other 20th-century genocides. It was relieving, though it can never be forgotten that this year [2009], just on Holocaust Memorial Day [Jan. 27], we have seen negationist and openly anti-Semitic positions in the news".

(Bravi L., La "questione zingari" nell'Italia fascista. La costruzione culturale di una categoria razziale ['The “Gypsy question” in Fascist Italy. The cultural creation of a racial group'], in Vitale T., "Politiche possibili", Carocci, Roma, 2009, pp. 23-29)