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  1. 100 Days Resources Calendar

    ... 26 TWT Tool Infographic: Teaching with Testimony to Counter Hate 27 Information ... Mini Quest Resilience through Art - The Memory Project 20 TWT Tool 5 Ways ...

    webmaster - 05/01/2017 - 9:58am

  2. New Cohort of Master Teachers Learn About Testimony in Budapest

    ... After an intensive six-days of learning how to teach with testimony, 19 educators from throughout Hungary completed the first part of the ... this year’s program attended sessions on local history and memory, the use of testimony in education, social psychology, the role of media ...

    robin.migdol - 12/19/2016 - 3:03pm

  3. You can always find a piece of relevant testimony in the Visual History Archive

    ... in an international conference titled  Are we losing memory? Forgotten sites of Nazi forced labor in Central Europe.  The event ... Europe. "You see, one can always find a piece of relevant testimony in the Visual History Archive," I exclaimed. And it is true. There ...

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2020 - 3:39pm

  4. Stephen Smith and Pinchas Gutter Discuss New Dimensions in Testimony at College of Saint Elizabeth

    ... executive director and Holocaust survivor (who gave testimony to the Visual History Archive), respectively, are in Morristown, New ... morning. The students screened The Void: In Search of Memory Lost , a documentary directed by Smith about Gutter’s memories of ...

    robin.migdol - 01/26/2023 - 12:47pm

  5. Roman Kent - Testimony

    deanna.pitre - 03/27/2014 - 5:57pm

  6. Christa Calkins

    ... 2015. While in Poland, they will learn about teaching with testimony and lessons of the Holocaust that they can share with their students. ... engage her students while she’s in Poland, through her blog and other distance learning methods. She will also create new resources ...

    robin.migdol - 01/05/2015 - 2:46pm

  7. Wolf Gruner on the testimony of Israel Charny

    English “Get angry about it”, the conclusion of this clip, presents one of Israel Charny’s most important messages. In his book, How can we commit the unthinkable?, Charny, born in 1931 in Brooklyn, New York,...

    deanna.pitre - 10/25/2022 - 11:50am

  8. Marc Mamigonian on the testimony of Harotune Aivazian

    English This brief clip reveals a number of significant points about the early stage of the Armenian Genocide (spring-summer 1915) in many areas. The first is that although one reads in memoirs and accounts of Armenians...

    deanna.pitre - 10/25/2022 - 11:50am

  9. Stephen Smith Talks New Dimensions in Testimony in Johannesburg, South Africa

    ... Director Stephen Smith will discuss New Dimensions in Testimony on Sept. 6 at the conference Remembering the Holocaust and Genocide ... of scholars and invited guests on “The Future of Holocaust Memory in the Digital Age.” That evening, Smith will give the plenary ...

    robin.migdol - 09/02/2016 - 5:17pm

  10. Richard Hovannisian on the testimony of Levon Giridlian

    ... USC, advising USC Shoah Foundation on its Armenian Genocide testimony collection. Armenian Series clip ...

    deanna.pitre - 10/25/2022 - 11:45am
