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Search results

  1. Day 46 of 70 Days of Testimony: Celina Biniaz on Auschwitz & Oskar Schindler

    deanna.pitre - 01/01/2015 - 5:08pm

  2. Day 27 of 70 Days of Testimony: Josef Baumgarten on medical experiments

    deanna.pitre - 12/13/2014 - 5:00pm

  3. Day 53 of 70 Days of Testimony: Huguette Frank on life in Auschwitz

    deanna.pitre - 01/08/2015 - 5:41pm

  4. Day 60 of 70 Days of Testimony: Lina Jackson on the death march

    deanna.pitre - 01/15/2015 - 5:04pm

  5. Day 39 of 70 Days of Testimony: Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt on life in Auschwitz

    deanna.pitre - 12/25/2014 - 5:43pm

  6. Day 67 of 70 Days of Testimony: Eva Slonim on medical experiments

    deanna.pitre - 01/22/2015 - 5:33pm

  7. Day 16 of 70 days of Testimony: Linda Breder on abuse in Auschwitz

    deanna.pitre - 12/02/2014 - 5:26pm

  8. Day 61 of 70 Days of Testimony: John Bergeisen on the destruction of Auschwitz

    deanna.pitre - 01/16/2015 - 5:07pm

  9. Day 8 of 70 Days of Testimony: Leo Bach on the selection process in Auschwitz

    deanna.pitre - 11/24/2014 - 5:02pm

  10. Day 45 of 70 Days of Testimony: Rena Finder on Auschwitz & Oskar Schindler

    deanna.pitre - 12/31/2014 - 6:06pm
