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Search results

  1. 2010/03/25: Testimonies: Reliability, Methodology, and Theory

    ... documents to understanding what people went through. Wolf Gruner (Shapell-Guerin Chair in Jewish Studies and Professor of History, ...

    webmaster - 01/03/2014 - 10:13am

  2. GAM 2016 Photo Introduction

    ... that occurred in Armenia, Cambodia and Guatemala,” said Wolf Gruner, director of USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research. ...

    webmaster - 04/06/2018 - 3:24pm

  3. Mass Violence and Genocide in the 21st Century

    ... University of Southern California USC_Gruner_Mass Violence_Genocide_Fall_2009.pdf Wolf Gruner History 2009 Fall ...

    doug.ballman - 07/17/2013 - 3:10pm

  4. Spell Your Name Screening at the USC Norris Cinema Theater

    ... the screening held at the Norris Cinema Theater.  Wolf Gruner, Shapell-Guerin Chair in Jewish Studies and Professor of History at USC, ...

    Anonymous - 04/13/2023 - 1:45pm

  5. The Holocaust in Literature and Film

    University of Southern California Wolf Gruner Arts and Letters 2013 Fall ...

    doug.ballman - 10/31/2013 - 3:00pm

  6. Mass Violence and Comparative Genocide in Modern World History

    ... University of Southern California USC_Gruner_Mass_Violence_fa2014.pdf Wolf Gruner History 2014 Fall ...

    doug.ballman - 01/07/2015 - 2:17pm

  7. Resistance to Genocide

    University of Southern California Wolf Gruner History 2011 Spring ...

    doug.ballman - 06/27/2013 - 11:10am

  8. Researching Dutch Resistance: Institute Welcomes Visiting Scholar

    ... USC Shoah Foundation Institute Executive Director, and Wolf Gruner, Shapell-Guerin Chair in Jewish Studies and a Professor of History in ...

    Anonymous - 04/13/2023 - 1:44pm

  9. Mass Violence and Comparative Genocide in Modern World History

    University of Southern California Wolf Gruner History 2015 Spring ...

    doug.ballman - 07/22/2016 - 4:01pm

  10. The Holocaust

    University of Southern California Wolf Gruner, Leah Hochman Judaic Studies, Writing 2013 ...

    doug.ballman - 06/27/2013 - 11:55am
