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Search results

  1. Edith Eva Eger on Life After the Holocaust

    ... about what she has learned about her life because of the Holocaust and how it has impacted her relationship with her children. She talks ... model. clip life after the holocaust ...

    robin.migdol - 12/11/2019 - 10:51am

  2. Conference 2014 Panel Videos

    ... Teaching about Genocide Social Engagements with Holocaust Remembrance in New Media The Dynamics of Oral History of ... The Case of Indonesia Early Mediations of the Holocaust Oral History and Mediation Place and Media in ...

    webmaster - 11/19/2014 - 1:13pm

  3. Rebeka Arabova on Bulgaria during the Holocaust

    ... capital of Bulgaria, Sofia and discusses how the war and the Holocaust had affected her childhood development, her entire life, and her ... video bulgarian holocaust survivor Rebeka Arabova ...

    deanna.pitre - 12/11/2019 - 10:50am

  4. Lyndsay Fleming

    ... of the primary and secondary sources and interviews of Holocaust survivors. One of the major benefits of the website is the premade ... about events of World War 2. After they created a video through the activity, they used the information they had learned from the ...

    robin.migdol - 01/22/2015 - 5:33pm

  5. Wendy Lower, 2015 Yom HaShoah Scholar, Exposes German Women's Role in Holocaust

    ... University on a research trip to Ukraine. At the time, Holocaust scholars were mainly interested in researching the decision-making behind the Holocaust – how Adolf Hitler and other top Nazis actually directed the Final ...

    robin.migdol - 05/07/2015 - 2:34pm

  6. Shoah Foundation Releases First Educational CD-ROM: "Survivors: Testimonies of the Holocaust"

    ... to announce the release of Survivors: Testimonies of the Holocaust. The interactive CD-ROM, narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio and Winona ... part of a standard curricula. If it doesn't, ignorance, and through ignorance, racial hatred is going to betray our trust of the human ...

    webmaster - 11/04/2015 - 10:55am

  7. USC Shoah Foundation Educational Resources Included in Ukrainian Conference on Roma in the Holocaust

    ... first ever conference on the fate of the Roma during the Holocaust. The conference “Genocide of the Roma During World War II: ... to discuss the mass extermination of Roma people during the Holocaust and its continued effects on Roma communities today. Lenchovska ...

    robin.migdol - 10/10/2016 - 5:36pm

  8. Aniko Friedberg on creating art during the Holocaust

    English Aniko Friedberg describes how she would create sculptures out of clay while interned in the Allendorf forced labor camp, a subcamp of Buchenwald. She didn’t recall this memory until she reunited with former...

    deanna.pitre - 10/13/2014 - 3:21pm

  9. Echoes and Reflections and IWitness at Holocaust Teacher Workshop, Long Beach

    ... Eugene and Eva Schlesinger Endowed Teacher Workshop on the Holocaust at California State University, Long Beach, July 13-17 will include ... IWitness. The one-week workshop features talks by noted Holocaust historians, presentations by teacher leaders, talks by Holocaust ...

    robin.migdol - 07/06/2015 - 5:18pm

  10. Shoah Foundation Exhibit and New York Times Article Focus on Holocaust “Killing Sites”

    robin.migdol - 05/19/2015 - 10:29am
