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Search results

  1. Academic Panel on the impact of Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will

    ... scholars discussed the history of the film and its impact on World War II and modern media. presentation ... Video ...

    webmaster - 12/11/2019 - 10:46am

  2. Helen Fagin

    ... her students to at least temporarily dream of a different world outside the reality of the ghetto. Gender: Female DOB: ... Video ...

    webmaster - 02/28/2022 - 1:20pm

  3. Resources and Programs Body Text

    ... teachers use testimony in their classrooms around the world. Whether the Institute is offering a digital lesson plan, a 90-minute ...

    webmaster - 10/15/2020 - 4:59pm

  4. C&H_Social Interactions_EN

    1337 1334 1336 1318 1335 China and the Holocaust social interactions

    Anonymous - 11/03/2020 - 12:45pm

  5. Two Polish-Language Lessons Available Online for Teachers

    robin.migdol - 01/14/2014 - 4:29pm

  6. Jack Bernstein on the Liberation of France

    ... Jack Bernstein describes the excitement in France when World War II ended and France was liberated from German occupation. There was a ... Video ...

    robin.migdol - 12/11/2019 - 10:47am

  7. Institute Among Select Group to Take Part in NSF-funded RIPS Program

    ... undergraduate students to work in teams on a real-world research project for a company, lab, or organization.  This year, ... The RIPS program recruits its students from all over the world.  A team of four students is working for the Institute, attempting to ...

    Anonymous - 04/13/2023 - 1:44pm

  8. University of Vienna is Newest Visual History Archive Full Access Site

    robin.migdol - 04/10/2014 - 4:50pm

  9. Center for Advanced Genocide Research to Co-Sponsor Symposium on German-Jewish Activists

    robin.migdol - 01/11/2017 - 5:39pm

  10. C&H_Attitudes toward Chinese_CN

    1150 1147 1140 1131 1116 China and the Holocaust attitudes toward Chinese

    webmaster - 07/10/2013 - 12:31pm
