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Search results

  1. "Past is Present" in Action: Larry Mikulcik

    ... Jan. 23-28, 2015, where they toured museums and historical sites, learned how to incorporate testimony into their teaching, and attended ... there was so much interest in these topics from the general public. Mikulcik believes that in addition to having a greater concern for ...

    robin.migdol - 06/10/2015 - 5:13pm

  2. 10 MORE Unique Facts about the Visual History Archive

    The Visual History Archive contains 53,000 eyewitness testimonies to genocide and mass atrocities. ... to the minute with over 62,000 keys words in the entire Archive. USC Shoah Foundation commemorates National Archives Month this ... sharing 10 more unique facts about the Visual History Archive. There are about 1,600 full length video testimonies viewable ...

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2020 - 4:37pm

  3. Mission Underway in Hungary and Poland

    ... of local Holocaust survivors in the Visual History Archive in honor of the Institute’s upcoming 20th anniversary in 2014. ... The delegation is touring historical and Jewish cultural sites in Budapest, Krakow and Warsaw, including Auschwitz and Birkenau ...

    robin.migdol - 10/21/2013 - 3:43pm

  4. USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research: Simone Gigliotti - A Mobile Holocaust: Testimony and the Spatial Turn

    ... November 11, 2014 Doheny Memorial Library Room G 24, Herklotz Room Please join the USC Shoah Foundation ... November 11, 2014 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm Doheny Memorial Library Room G 24, Herklotz Room To RSVP, please contact Kia Hays: ...

    Anonymous - 04/13/2023 - 1:49pm

  5. Monika Koszyńska

    ... liaison in Poland, Koszyńska coordinates the Visual History Archive access sites in Poland; represents USC Shoah Foundation at conferences and seminars; ...

    robin.migdol - 02/25/2014 - 4:41pm

  6. In Brno, Czech Republic, an ITeach and New IWalk

    ... an overview of USC Shoah Foundation, the Visual History Archive and how to access its content, IWitness and IWalks, including the new ... from the Visual History Archive. Participants walk through sites where the Holocaust took place and watch testimony clips on tablets in ...

    robin.migdol - 04/30/2015 - 5:37pm

  7. Kori Street, Director of Education, Presents at Association of Holocaust Organizations Conference in China

    ... War II. Attendees will also tour historical and cultural sites in Harbin and Shanghai. USC Shoah Foundation’s award-winning ... of the Holocaust and other genocides from the Visual History Archive. IWitness also includes multimedia activities and a built-in video ...

    robin.migdol - 12/11/2013 - 12:03pm

  8. Hundreds of Librarians Visit USC Shoah Foundation Exhibit at ALA Conference

    ... and answered questions about the Visual History Archive to a diverse crowd of conference attendees at the American Library Association (ALA)’s Annual Conference and Exhibition in San Francisco ... event at Moscone Center.  Connections were made with public librarians from as far away as Oklahoma and Texas as well as a digital ...

    robin.migdol - 07/08/2015 - 5:28pm

  9. Kigali Genocide Memorial Center Researching Potential for Rwandan Genocide Archive Center

    ... staff on the possibility of building KGMC its own Genocide Archive Center. The center would be modeled after USC Shoah Foundation’s ... file system to store testimonies at a facility in Rwanda for public and private use in education and general access. They will also ...

    robin.migdol - 11/12/2013 - 1:25pm

  10. Daniela Vitaskova

    ... often teaches history by taking her students to historical sites. As one of 25 teachers chosen to travel to Poland to attend the ... for their trip. Through testimony in the Visual History Archive, she believes students learn historical facts in an interesting way, ...

    robin.migdol - 01/05/2015 - 2:45pm
