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Search results

  1. "Past is Present" in Action: Christine Cole

    ... museums and historical sites, learned how to incorporate testimony into their teaching, and attended the official commemoration at ... She was featured in her school’s newsletter and wrote a blog about Past is Present in addition to initiating conversations with ...

    robin.migdol - 04/20/2015 - 5:56pm

  2. An online multimedia lesson on Raoul Wallenberg

    webmaster - 06/16/2015 - 3:40pm

  3. Chris Bohjalian on the testimony of Elsie Taft

    ... the cavalier disregard for human life. There are the burning bodies. As we know, there is a direct link between the Armenian Genocide, ...

    deanna.pitre - 10/25/2022 - 11:49am

  4. Jerry Papazian on the testimony of Sam Kadorian

    ... up just pushing them into the Euphrates River, where their bodies floated away. I met Sam years ago and remember him fondly, as my ...

    deanna.pitre - 10/25/2022 - 11:44am

  5. Rafael Lewandowski

    ... “faces, fragments of stories, reactions, accents and emotions,” especially from the most down-to-earth people who spoke simply and ... exploring the relationship between individual and collective memory, including A Shadowed Gaze , Hearings and Children of ...

    robin.migdol - 01/30/2014 - 8:41am

  6. Day 50 of 70 Days of Testimony: Eugene Zinn on force labor in Auschwitz

    ... graves because of the stench and his attempt to burn the bodies with wood and kerosene.  This is the 50th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th ...

    deanna.pitre - 12/24/2014 - 10:10am

  7. Day 24 of 70 days of Testimony: Dario Gabbai on his Sonderkommando experience

    ... to usher people into gas chambers, and then haul out the bodies, take them to the crematorium, and clean up the room for the next group of victims.This is the 24th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th ...

    deanna.pitre - 12/10/2014 - 2:51pm

  8. Powerful Poetry: Three Activities to Help Students Connect with History

    ... writing addresses universal themes of family, identity, and memory while touching upon what it means to be in exile. 3. Write: ...  Originally Published on Facing History and Ourselves Blog Written By Stacey Perlman iwitness ...

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2020 - 4:16pm

  9. Commemorating Women's History Month with IWitness

    ... the moral choices they face today. Discover four clips of testimony from IWitness to share with your students. ... Orignally Published on Facing History and Ourselves Blog Written By Stacey Perlman facing history ...

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2020 - 2:48pm

  10. One Testimony, Two Continents, Three Friends

    ... her. It’s an understandable request – watching testimony in the Visual History Archive can be a life-changing experience. But more than 50,000 people in dozens of countries gave testimony to the USC Shoah Foundation nearly 20 years ago. It would be ...

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2020 - 4:03pm
