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Search results

  1. Day 28 of 70 Days of Testimony: Clare Winter on family separation

    deanna.pitre - 12/14/2014 - 5:04pm

  2. Day 65 of 70 Days of Testimony: Eva Kor on camp first impressions

    deanna.pitre - 01/20/2015 - 5:23pm

  3. Day 55 of 70 Days of Testimony: Sientje Backer on Block 10

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2015 - 5:46pm

  4. Day 68 of 70 Days of Testimony: Paula Lebovics on brutal treatment of children

    deanna.pitre - 01/23/2015 - 5:36pm

  5. Day 41 of 70 Days of Testimony: Hansi Keating on camp experiments

    deanna.pitre - 12/27/2014 - 5:52pm

  6. Day 62 of 70 Days of Testimony: Helena Silvers on forced labor in the camp hospital

    deanna.pitre - 01/17/2015 - 5:11pm

  7. Holocaust Museum Houston Begins Four-Month Exhibit of New Dimensions in Testimony

    New Dimensions in Testimony will be on display at Holocaust Museum Houston until May 30 as part ... Holocaust Museum Houston has incorporated New Dimensions in Testimony into its new exhibit “ A Celebration of Survival ,” designed by ...

    robin.migdol - 10/04/2017 - 9:56am

  8. Last Chance to See New Dimensions in Testimony at USHMM

    The New Dimensions in Testimony installation that has been on display at United States Holocaust ... Weekend. This was the first time New Dimensions in Testimony (NDT) was installed in a museum setting as an un-moderated ...

    robin.migdol - 08/31/2016 - 5:01pm

  9. New Dimensions in Testimony

    ... Foundation is currently fundraising for New Dimensions in Testimony, a new project being developed in concert with USC Institute for ... last survivor has long since passed away, New Dimensions in Testimony will ensure their eyewitness accounts endure in 3D interactivity. ...

    webmaster - 07/24/2013 - 11:32am

  10. Second-Grade Students in Hungary Learn about Hanukkah from Testimony

    A teacher in Hungary used testimony to introduce some of her school’s youngest students to Jewish ... is a graduate of USC Shoah Foundation’s Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century professional development program in Hungary. ...

    robin.migdol - 11/19/2021 - 2:01pm
