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Search results

  1. My Keynote at the UNESCO Latin American Convening on Teaching with Testimony

    ... the testimony into our schools’ educational platform IWitness so that students can explore testimony and learn lessons in our ...

    webmaster - 01/10/2020 - 2:41pm

  2. Lessons from Kony 2012

    ... at the University of Southern California. He arrived at USC in fall 2009 after spending the past decade as the director of the MIT ...

    webmaster - 08/20/2013 - 5:05pm

  3. En español: My Keynote at the UNESCO Latin American Convening on Teaching with Testimony

    ... integramos el testimonio en nuestra plataforma educacional IWitness para que los estudiantes pueden explorar el testimonio y aprender ...

    webmaster - 01/10/2020 - 2:41pm
