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Search results

  1. Texas A&M Teaching Fellow Tommy Curry Researches Sexual Violence in Visual History Archive

    ... committed against Jewish boys in the concentration camps of World War II. Curious about what other scholars have written on the topic, he ...

    robin.migdol - 01/13/2017 - 5:59pm

  2. Stephen Smith and New Dimensions in Testimony at Sheffield Doc Fest June 10-15

    ... Sheffield, England, one of the largest film festivals in the world, will have multiple opportunities to learn about and try out New ...

    robin.migdol - 06/03/2016 - 3:54pm

  3. Holocaust Survivor Dario Gabbai Donates Historical Documents to USC Shoah Foundation

    ... about. “I thought that if I survive, I could tell the world,” said Gabbai, whose testimony is in the Institute’s Visual History ...

    robin.migdol - 08/07/2014 - 12:24pm

  4. Alice Herz Sommer

    ... continued to play the piano, practicing for several hours a day. She was the subject of the 2014 Academy Award-winning short documentary ... died in February 2014 at age 110, she was considered “the world’s oldest Holocaust survivor.” ...

    robin.migdol - 05/01/2015 - 5:41pm

  5. Megan Maybray

    ... school, Kennett Middle School near Philadelphia, the next day, but Maybray was having trouble teaching her ESL students about the ... she lived through the same things as the persons in the video.” The Spanish-language testimonies were the “saving grace” of ...

    robin.migdol - 04/29/2015 - 5:32pm

  6. Kurt Messerschmidt on Yom Kippur

    deanna.pitre - 09/12/2013 - 4:27pm

  7. Kurt Messerschmidt on Yom Kippur

    deanna.pitre - 10/03/2014 - 3:41pm

  8. Ruth Brand on Yom Kippur

    deanna.pitre - 09/22/2015 - 4:36pm

  9. Teaching Courage

    ... and mix of emotions that come into play that very first day of school. Many may not readily admit it, but the first day of the school year for both teachers and students is filled nervousness and ...

    deanna.pitre - 01/10/2020 - 4:37pm

  10. “Facing History and Ourselves” Training Includes IWitness Workshop

    ... “Holocaust and Human Behavior” seminar spent a day at USC last week learning how to use IWitness to teach about the Holocaust, ... geared toward educators in Jewish settings, such as Jewish day schools. On Thursday, Aug. 13, the group of 20 educators spent the day ...

    robin.migdol - 08/17/2015 - 5:55pm
