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  1. Slovak Links

    Neskrátené interview Neskrátené interview

    webmaster - 10/15/2020 - 4:59pm

  2. 出生地变成奥斯威辛(Auschwitz)集中营

    奥斯威辛(Oświęcim)市(波兰) 坐标:北纬50º02' 东经19º16E 这个城市存在的历史至少可以回溯到 12 世纪。继波兰于 1772 年被瓜分后,该市便遭奥地利哈布斯堡王朝(Habsburg Austrian Empire)吞并,直到第一次世界大战结束后才回归波兰统治。在那段期间,奥斯威辛市成为工业中心和重要的铁路枢纽。犹太人口在 1921 年为 4,950 人。二次世界大战前夕,该市约有 8,000 名犹太人,占波兰全部犹太人口的半数以上...

    webmaster - 09/25/2015 - 5:47pm

  3. Karen Jungblut

    Karen Jungblut Check if the blogger an Institute staff member

    deanna.pitre - 11/08/2023 - 6:44am

  4. Jelentkezés a magyarországi program harmadik évfolyamára MOST!

    Videó-interjúk a 21. század oktatásában A USC Soá Alapítvány (Dél-Kaliforniai Egyetem) Nemzetközi Oktatási Programja Magyarországon és Lengyelországban 2014 Jelentkezés a magyarországi program harmadik...

    webmaster - 02/19/2014 - 4:08pm

  5. Inside IWitness: “Auschwitz – Art in the Face of Death”

    Inside IWitness is an ongoing series that will profile each activity in IWitness, along with a clip featured in the activity and a teacher who uses IWitness in his or her classroom. The Auschwitz – Art in the...

    robin.migdol - 10/23/2014 - 5:52pm

  6. Italian portal intro

    USC Shoah Foundation - The Institute for Visual History and Education: una breve introduzione ...

    webmaster - 10/15/2020 - 4:58pm

  7. Тема 4. Право на справедливий суд

    webmaster - 03/31/2014 - 5:11pm

  8. EM Tema 6 Playlist

    5330 5331 5332 5334 5336 5337

    webmaster - 06/11/2014 - 3:03pm

  9. Educational Outreach to Czech Borderlands

    On January 24 to 26, on the eve of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, educational resources offered by four organizations were presented to Czech teachers in a unique pilot event.  Experts from Yad Vashem, the...

    Anonymous - 04/13/2023 - 1:43pm

  10. Laney Kapgan

    Anonymous - 11/10/2014 - 5:43pm
