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Search results

  1. Martin Šmok Shares IWalks at “My Hero, Your Enemy” Conference in Czech Republic

    ... Republic and Hungary, educators, students and the public watch testimony clips on iPads or tablet devices in which Holocaust survivors ...

    robin.migdol - 06/26/2015 - 5:36pm

  2. Dawn Skorczewski

    ... details. When her students have the opportunity to watch testimony as part of her classes on Anne Frank and the Holocaust, “they ...

    robin.migdol - 03/25/2015 - 5:48pm

  3. Zhenya Bilotsky

    ... Bilotsky said. “I was excited to learn new facts, watch testimonies of survivors and rescuers and teach what I had learned to ...

    robin.migdol - 11/02/2016 - 5:34pm

  4. "Auschwitz” Documentary to Screen at Tribeca Film Festival

    ... learners, she said. Comcast Xfinity viewers were able to watch the documentary as part of the annual Days of Remembrance: PastFORWARD ...

    robin.migdol - 03/15/2016 - 5:50pm

  5. Tad Taube

    ... Anita after the war and adopted her. Anita died Sept. 27; watch a clip of her testimony below. “My sister Nita was a Holocaust ...

    robin.migdol - 10/14/2013 - 9:49am

  6. Rwandan Teachers Attend Advanced IWitness Training

    ... and Culp led the training participants in an exercise to watch a clip of testimony and identify what specific learning outcomes, skills ...

    robin.migdol - 03/29/2016 - 5:35pm

  7. Application Open for Fifth Annual “Teaching with Testimony” in Hungary

    ... receive 120 hours of in-service training. The program is free for participants. In their application , applicants must watch clips of testimony and write a response about their educational value. ...

    robin.migdol - 03/03/2016 - 5:04pm

  8. Emily Bengels

    ... – and that comes from education.” As her students watch her prepare for the trip to Poland, Bengels said she wants them to learn ...

    robin.migdol - 01/05/2015 - 2:46pm

  9. Paulin Ndahayo

    ... award-winning educational website. It contains 1,356 full-length testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and Rwanda ... He plans to assign his political science students to watch testimonies and answer questions about them; later he will incorporate ...

    robin.migdol - 01/06/2014 - 4:14pm

  10. Sebastian Goditsch

    ... He was also excited to search the Visual History Archive and watch the testimony of Marko Feingold, a leader of the Jewish community in ...

    robin.migdol - 07/30/2015 - 3:40pm
