A70 BeginsWithMe body text

It all begins with each and every one of us. The little changes we make in the world can really add up to a perceptible movement to create a climate that resists genocide and other forms of inhumanity around the globe.

Stay connected with the commemoration. We want to hear from you.


#Auschwitz70 is the official hashtag for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.  Follow for updates on the commemoration events taking place around the world, and for the official event at Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum on January 27, 2015.


#PastisPresent for coverage of the Auschwitz: Past is Present Program in partnership with Discovery Education. Follow for updates on the program including the 25 teachers traveling to Poland, the junior interns and the professional development program in Poland.  


#BeginswithMe - using the power of testimony and the lessons of the Holocaust to inspire personal action in the days leading to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Please help us make #BeginsWithMe a success. By including your voice, you will be part of a movement that spreads the message that each one of us has the power to help create a climate that prevents a genocide and other forms of inhumanity that affect all of us.