Alexander Walther is a Ph.D. student at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. He studied history and English in a teacher’s training course at Friedrich Schiller University, receiving his First State Exam in 2014. In his thesis, he analysed the memoirs of former Yugoslavian refugees who had fled to Germany in the 1990s war. From 2010-2015 he worked as a student and research assistant at Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena. Since 2015 he has worked as a research associate at Europäisches Kolleg Jena. Das 20. Jahrhundert und seine Repräsentationen and as a doctoral candidate at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. His dissertation project investigates the multi-faceted forms of commemoration practices and representations of the Shoah within the GDR’s culture of remembrance, dominated by anti-fascism.