Aunt Zona Wilkinson is a KAMILAROI/GAMILARAAY Elder from Northern NSW Australia. and WONNARUA Singleton NSW. A leader in Aboriginal arts administration she was Curator of Aboriginal Programs at Penrith Regional Gallery and Joan Southerland Performing Arts. Aboriginal artwork is a strategic and rich way for the Gallery’s exhibition program to play a significant role in the development of understanding and respect for Aboriginal story telling through art, education teaching culture and community development. She worked with the Australian Museum in Sydney doing regular research days at the Museum in 2012 in preparation for upcoming exhibition projects and to undertake conservation training. Aunt Zona also consulted with staff on the important of Aboriginal protocols and cultural information required regarding the sensitivities, respect and understanding of ‘family’ and ‘identity’. She is part of the Biyani Cultural Connection group of Aboriginal women that is instrumental of Aboriginal Professor Fabri Blacklock and UNSW this is rewarding because of how it empowers women of all ages they also connect you to their country which is proper way with culture. Through Aunt Zona’s leadership at Penrith Regional Gallery and Joan Southerland Performing Arts engagement with Aboriginal people continued to improve via a number of strategic initiatives which include all aspects of Country, Culture, and Spiritual connection. That is blood lineage.