Barbie Zelizer, Ph.D.
Rutman Fellowship for Research and Teaching (University of Pennsylvania)

Barbie Zelizer is the Raymond Williams Professor of Communication and Director of the Center for Media at Risk at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication. A former journalist, Zelizer is known for her work on journalism, culture, memory and images. Zelizer has authored or edited fourteen books, including the award-winning About To Die: How News Images Move the Public (Oxford, 2010) and Remembering to Forget: Holocaust Memory Through the Camera's Eye (Chicago, 1998), and over 150 articles, book chapters and essays. She is currently working on How the Cold War Drives the News, for which she has received an ACLS Fellowship for 2018-2019. 


Professor Zelizer used her fellowship to teach a Ph.D. research seminar entitled “Mediating War and Genocide Through Visual Memory.” The seminar took place at the end of the spring 2018 semester and continued into the summer, with a two-week immersive experience in Berlin.