CAGR Genocide Studies Resources at USC Body Text

The Center for Advanced Genocide Research is the only center for Holocaust and genocide studies that both owns significant research resources and is situated at a leading research university.

  • USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive is the largest digital collection of its kind in the world. Currently encompassing 119,565 hours of video testimony, the archive is an invaluable resource for humanity, with nearly every testimony containing a complete personal history of life before, during, and after the interviewee’s firsthand experience with genocide. The Visual History Archive is digitized, fully searchable, and hyperlinked to the minute. This indexing allows students, professors, researchers, and others around the world to retrieve entire testimonies or search for specific sections within testimonies through a set of 68,204 keywords and key phrases, 2 million names, and 774,095 images.
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies Collection at USC Doheny Library, which contains books on almost every facet of the Holocaust and on various genocides, with a total collection of books reaching 14,000 volumes. Within the collection there are more than 1,000 original Nazi books and pamphlets, Jewish publications, and microfilms with original documents such as Nazi newspapers.  The collection also houses 300 boxes of original transcripts from the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, and the 12 trials of the Nuremberg Military Tribunals held between 1945 and 1949.
  • Archive Incoming Documents housed by The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research is a collection of primary source documents relating to the genocide and mass violence. The Center promotes scholarship on these topics by convening international scholars to utilize these resources and further research in the field. All primary source documents are housed at the Center and can be used for appropriate scholarly research.
  • The Feuchtwanger Memorial Library contains the private papers and the personal library  of Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958), a prominent German Jewish writer who fled Europe during World War II and lived in Los Angeles from 1941 until his death. His widow, Marta Feuchtwanger, gave his papers, manuscripts and the library to the University of Southern California in 1987. 
  • The Special Collections at USC Doheny Library has in its archive private papers of dozens of German and Austrian emigrants, many of them Jewish, some of them artists, which were donated to or acquired by Doheny Library.
  • The Armenian Genocide Insurance Settlement Papers pertain to a historic agreement reached with New York Life in 2004 that resolved more than 2,000 insurance claims against policies issued by New York Life to Armenians in the Turkish Ottoman Empire before 1915.  The Center took possession of these documents in 2015. Contained in 40 boxes, the materials include mostly personal documents from the insurance claimants covered by the class-action lawsuit – birth and death certificates, policy papers, family trees, and photographs – as well as court papers. The settlement papers, donated by Vartkes Yeghiayan, are the Center’s first major donations since its launch in 2014.


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