Focal Points: Anti-Semitism: News Coverage

  • MEPs back proposal for EU antisemitism tsar (The
    16 July 2015  – Dozens of MEPs are backing a plan to create a special EU envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism. The European Jewish Association, which is behind the plan, has gained the support of a number of cross-party MEPS.
  • European Prejudice Falls Where Jews Were Attacked (Wall Street Journal)
    30 June 2015 – European countries that were the scenes of attacks against Jews in 2014 or 2015 have experienced a notable drop in anti-Semitism, due to increased public awareness and strong government responses, a new poll finds.
  • Germany to host international conference on anti-Semitism next year (European Jewish Press)
    25 June 2015 – Germany will host an international conference on anti-Semitism next year, Norbert Lammert, Speaker of the Bundestag, the German parliament, told the Knesset, Israel's parliament.
  • Nazi propaganda is still working (Boston Globe)
    28 June 2015 – New research is showing how tremendously effective Nazi propaganda was. In fact, it’s still working. An analysis of survey data from Germany in 1996 and 2006 reveals that native German respondents who were born in the 1930s showed significantly more anti-Semitism than those who were born earlier or later, even controlling for other individual and contextual factors.
  • What happened when an anti-Semite found he was Jewish? (BBC News)
    4 May 2015 – Three years ago, a Hungarian far-right politician with a strong line in anti-Semitism discovered that he was Jewish. He left his party, and set out on a remarkable personal journey to learn and practise his Jewish faith.
  • French PM launches action plan against anti-Semitism, racism (Times of Israel)
    17 April 2015 – France’s prime minister announced Friday the government would pour 100 million euros into a major anti-racism and anti-Semitism action plan devised in the aftermath of the deadly Paris jihadist attacks.
  • Dutch police investigate 'burn the Jews' anti-Semitic chants at FC Utrect vs Ajax football match (The Independent)
    7 April 2015Dutch police are investigating reports of football fans chanting anti-Semitic slogans including calls for Jews to be burned and sent “to the gas chambers” during a match at the weekend.
  • Graves vandalized in Polish town where Nazis tortured Jews (Times of Israel)
    7 April 2015 – Unknown individuals painted pentagrams and wrote a former Pope’s name on several Jewish tombstones they desecrated in southern Poland.
  • April 2015"For half a century, memories of the Holocaust limited anti-Semitism on the Continent. That period has ended—the recent fatal attacks in Paris and Copenhagen are merely the latest examples of rising violence against Jews. Renewed vitriol among right-wing fascists and new threats from radicalized Islamists have created a crisis, confronting Jews with an agonizing choice."
  • In U.C.L.A. Debate Over Jewish Student, Echoes on Campus of Old Biases (The New York Times)
    6 March 2015 – “Given that you are a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community,” Fabienne Roth, a member of the Undergraduate Students Association Council, began, looking at Ms. Beyda at the other end of the room, “how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?”
  • Rising anti-Semitism challenges Sweden’s proud and tolerant self-image (Religion News Service)
    4 March 2015 – According to a 2013 European Union survey, Swedish Jews were already more afraid of wearing Jewish symbols, like a skullcap or Star of David, than Jews in Belgium, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and the United Kingdom.
  • GOP Icon Slams Anti-Semitic 'Whisper Campaign' Against Missouri Candidate Who Committed Suicide (Jewish Daily Forward)
    4 March 2015 – Former U.S. Senator John Danforth chastised Missouri state political leaders for using anti-Semitism as campaign tactic, which he said led to the suicide of a gubernatorial candidate.
  • French PM Valls Says Anti-Zionist Jew-Hatred Has ‘All the Components of Antisemitism, the Old Ones’ (The Algemeiner)
    2 March 2015 – French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in a weekend interview with The Wall Street Journal that the anti-Israel and anti-Zionist sentiments spreading in French society have all the necessary elements to be considered antisemitism.
  • US Senate resolution to condemn European anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)
    26 February 2015 – Bipartisan initiative calls on EU governments to appoint special envoys to address growing phenomenon in wake of series of attacks
  • New Study: Over Half of Jewish Students Face Anti-Semitism in U.S. Colleges (Breitbart)
    23 February 2015 – A study titled “National Demographic Survey of American Jewish College Students 2014,” conducted in the spring of 2014 by Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, revealed that over half of Jewish college students have experienced anti-Semitism on campus.
  • UCLA student told she could not serve – because she is Jewish (The College Fix)
    19 February 2015 – A UCLA student this week declared in an op-ed in The Daily Bruin that members of the university’s student government should apologize for its recent discriminatory act.
  • Journalist films 10 hours of anti-Semitic street harassment in Paris  (Salon)
    17 February 2015 – Israeli journalist Zvika Klein was recently filmed walking the streets of Paris wearing a yarmulke and tzitzit in an effort to reveal the truth about anti-semitism in the the European city.
  • Denmark synagogue attack: Security fears for Jewish community (BBC)
    16 February 2015 – The Jewish family who were having a party at the Copenhagen synagogue that was attacked on Saturday night have said they have no faith in the Danish prime minister's promise to protect their Jewish community.
  • Jewish Graves Vandalized in France (New York Times)
    16 February 2015 – Teenage vandals are suspected of overturning as many as 250 gravestones in a cemetery in a rural part of eastern France near the German border, where many Jews once lived but have long since left.
  • Copenhagen Synagogue Shooting Victim Dies; City on Edge After Two Attacks (ABC News)
    14 February 2015 – A person who was shot in the head in an attack near a Copenhagen synagogue has died, Danish police said tonight, but there was no word on whether that incident, in which two cops were also wounded, was related to another fatal shooting earlier in the day.
  • UK needs to take urgent action over anti-Semitism, lawmakers say (Reuters)
    9 February 2015 – Urgent action is needed to tackle a "disturbing" rise in anti-Semitism in Britain including measures to deal with growing "cyber hate" on social media, a group of senior lawmakers said on Monday.
  • Surge in anti-Semitism prompts pleas to pope (
    8 February 2015 – In light of the Charlie Hebdo attacks last month, it became apparent that anti-Semitism has infiltrated the major Western media, and it is all the more pressing for the Catholic Church, which represents 1.2 billion Christians, to again take the lead on this issue …
  • It’s Time to Stop Ignoring the New Wave of Anti-Semitism (TIME)
    3 February 2015 – A man with a knife attacked three French military personnel who were on an anti-terror patrol near a Jewish community center. While the attacker's motive is not yet known, can I be blamed if I look at the recent rise in European anti-Semitism and wonder how …
  • For Many French Jews, Anti-Semitism Has A Clear Source (NPR)
    22 January 2015 – "You see people are thinking of anti-Semitism in terms of World War II and coming from the French," says Illouz. "It has nothing to do with the…
  • The Rwandan genocide survivor who fights anti-Semitism (Haaretz)
    21 January 2015 – The Rwandan genocide survivor who fights anti-Semitism. Yolande Mukagasana, whose entire family was massacred in Kigali, was in Israel for…
  • Stunt On Berkeley Campus Shows Students Ignore ISIS Sympathizer, But Vehemently Oppose Israeli Flag Waver (SF CBS)
    24 November 2014 – An experiment into human nature–or at least the nature of humans attending the University of California at Berkeley–caught on camera some surprising results as an “activist” waved first an ISIS flag and shouted terrorist rants and then switched to an Israel flag with a Zionist tirade.
  • Angeblicher Antisemitismus: Jüdischer Knauf-Mitarbeiter sieht sich diskriminiert (SPIEGEL ONLINE) (In German)
    7 November 2014 – Hakenkreuz-Schmierereien, Hitlergrüße und Gewalt: Zehn Jahre lang sollen Mitarbeiter des deutschen Baustoffkonzerns Knauf einen jüdischen Kollegen gemobbt haben. Als Frédéric Menard die Schikanen der Unternehmensleitung meldete, wurde er gefeuert. Wegen Störung des Betriebsfriedens.
  • After slamming Israel, UK’s Miliband decries rising anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)
    6 November 2014 – British opposition Labor leader, who is Jewish, cites Gaza conflict — during which he publicly castigated Israel — as marking a spike in incidents in Britain.
  • Canada Vows to Fight Anti-Semitism on Holocaust Month (Israel National News)
    5 November 2014 – Canadian ministers note Canada has been 'profoundly shaped' by 40,000 Holocaust survivors, pledge to preserve memory.
  • Europe's Growing Anti-Semitism (The Boston Globe)
    20 October 2014 – I’ve never wanted to visit Germany. It is the country that murdered my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and first cousins when it exterminated two-thirds of European Jewry. My sister and I grew up fast amid the dark shadow of the Holocaust, as our father, who survived for five years in 10 different concentration camps, struggled daily to control the pain and grief that never left him.
  • Today's Anti-Semitism Is a Ticking Time Bomb (New Republic)
    8 October 2014 – One of the trickiest but most critical questions of the present day is that of the new guises of anti-Semitism. Though we have been slow to realize it, anti-Semitism has morphed at each step in its history, completely changing its shape, its face, and even its software.
  • Anti-Semitism spike in Germany raising old fears (CBS News)
    3 October 2014 – Armed guards have been posted at synagogues throughout Germany for the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Anti-Semitism is once again on the rise in Europe, especially in Germany.


  • Europe's Alarming New Anti-Semitism (Wall Street Journal)
    2 October 2014 – Anti-Semitism has always been, historically, the inability to make space for differences among people, which is the essential foundation of a free society. That is why the politics of hate now assaults Christians, Bahai, Yazidis and many others, including Muslims on the wrong side of the Sunni/Shia divide, as well as Jews.
  • I Rallied Against Anti-Semitism. Now What? (Tikkun)
    29 September 2014 – It’s time for Germany’s Jewish organizations to shed some of their protective layers and show more leadership in community action for social justice. These organizations already provide valuable religious, cultural and social services to Germany’s growing Jewish population.
  • ‘Uncompromising action’ needed to tackle anti-Semitism, says Blair (Jewish News)
    28 September 2014 – Tony Blair has told European leaders to do more than just disapprove of anti-Semitism, which he said “requires gripping right now with firm and uncompromising action.”
  • British soccer team deletes Rosh Hashanah tweet after backlash (Times of Israel)
    28 September 2014 – The Liverpool FC soccer team deleted a tweet wishing Jewish fans a happy new year over the weekend, after it caused a flood of anti-Semitic responses.
  • Germany's Jewish problem (Chicago Tribune)
    26 September 2014 – With anti-Semitism on the march, Germany's politicians and opinion makers are grappling with what went wrong with the country's seven-decade-long struggle to come to terms with its past, or as they call it, Vergangenheitsbewältigung.
  • Anti-Semitism in Europe: What a Survey Shows (The New York Times)
    25 September 2014 – The Anti-Defamation League recently polled Europeans to get a better read on the level of anti-Semitic attitudes among the adult population in comparison with attitudes elsewhere. In Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, the poll found that some of the most common anti-Semitic stereotypes are surprisingly resilient.
  • Australian Jews on Edge After Islamic State Arrests and Rise of Anti-Semitism (The Algemeiner)
    23 September 2014 – Despite the rise of anti-Semitism across Europe in the wake of Operation Protective Edge, it is still easy to think that this kind of sentiment is confined to that part of the world. The Australian Jewish community might disagree.
  • Europe’s Anti-Semitism Comes Out of the Shadows (The New York Times)
    23 September 2014 – From the immigrant enclaves of the Parisian suburbs to the drizzly bureaucratic city of Brussels to the industrial heartland of Germany, Europe’s old demon returned this summer.
  • ADL blasts anti-Semitic Senate candidate (Times of Israel)
    21 September 2014 – Robert Ransdell, who posted signs reading, ‘With Jews we lose,’ is ‘taking anti-Semitism to the mainstream public,’ group says.
  • Does Human Rights Watch Understand the Nature of Prejudice? (The Atlantic)
    21 September 2014 – Anti-Semitic violence and invective are not responses to events in the Middle East, just as anti-Semitism does not erupt  “in response” to the policies of banks owned by Jews, or in response to editorial positions taken by The New York Times.
  • Thousands Gather In Germany To Rally Against Anti-Semitism
    14 September 2014 – In Berlin, thousands of people gathered at the Brandenburg Gate on Sunday to demonstrate against a wave of harassment and attacks against Jews in Germany. Many blame the rising anti-Semitism there and across Europe on tensions over the Gaza conflict.
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Anti-Semitism
    6 September 2014 – Aus der Gesamtverantwortung Deutschlands für seine Geschichte ergibt sich für die Bundeskanzlerin, sich überall für Toleranz, friedliches Miteinander und Demokratie einzusetzen. So sei auch Antisemitismus entschieden entgegenzutreten. (In German)
  • ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism
    The Anti-Defamation League commissioned First International Resources to research attitudes and opinions toward Jews in over 100 countries around the world.
  • Anti-Semitic attacks in Britain quadrupled over Gaza
    4 September 2014 – The number of anti-Semitic incidents in the UK hit an all-time high in July, in the wake of the Gaza conflict. A total of 302 incidents were reported to the Community Security Trust, the highest monthly total since records began in 1984.
  • Britain's Muslim and Jewish leaders urge followers to 'export peace' to Gaza
    29 August 2014 – Muslim and Jewish leaders in the UK have called for followers of both faiths to "export peace" to Gaza and stamp out racism.
  • Merkel, Lauder to address Berlin rally against anti-Semitism
    20 August 2014German Chancellor Angela Merkel and World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder will be among the speakers at a rally in Berlin on 14 September against growing anti-Semitism.


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