Lucy Sun is a senior at USC, majoring in History and minoring in Psychology and Law. Sharing the 2020 Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research Fellowship at the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research, she conducted a month of research with survivor testimonies from the Nanjing Massacre collection in the Visual History Archive to contribute to her history honors thesis entitled “Escapes and Deceptions: Chinese Women’s Resistance During the Nanjing Massacre.” Her thesis expands on her previous research on women’s resistance to sexual violence during the Nanjing Massacre, a topic largely unacknowledged in the scholarly literature. The 101 testimonies by Nanjing Massacre survivors in the VHA are essential to her project. Ms. Sun is fluent in Mandarin, and in her proposal, she expressed her commitment to amplifying the voices of women survivors and her motivation to learn more about her hometown’s infamous atrocity. In her project, Ms. Sun explored important and neglected topics (resistance, women’s resistance, sexual violence) and was the Center’s first research fellow to focus exclusively on the Nanjing Massacre collection. She is an engaged young scholar, with past research experience at the USC Culture, Diversity, and Psychophysiology Lab and employment at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture.