Norma Stoltz Chinchilla has been a member of the CSULB faculty since 1983. She teaches courses in social stratification (SOC 420), social change (SOC 357), women in global perspective (W/ST 401), Central American and Carribean People in the U.S. (SOC 341 / CHLS 352), and international social conflicts (I/ST 317 and 318). Her recent research focuses on women's movements in Latin America and Central American immigration to Los Angeles. She was Fullbright Fellow to Guatemala in 1965 and received one of two CSULB Distinguished Faculty Scholarly and Creative Achievement awards for 1996-1997. Her recent book, Seeking Community in a Global City: Guatemalans and Salvadorans in Los Angeles (Temple University Press, 2001), co-authored with Nora Hamilton, Professor of Political Science at University of Southern California, was awarded the 2002 prize for Best Book published in the area of Race/Ethnicity and Foreign Policy/Globalization by the American Political Science Association (APSA).