Pyramid of Hate Playlist
Peter Braunfeld
Gender: Male
Born: 12/12/1930
City of Birth: Vienna, Austria
Country of Interview: U.S.A
POH All Clips
Language: English
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Kristin Keren
Language: English
Gender: Female
Born: 10/28/1935
City of Birth: Lwów, Poland
Ghetto(s): Lwów
Country of Interview: U.S.ALea Schabinski-Faranof
Language: English
Gender: Female
Born: 2/24/1920
City of Birth: Berlin, Germany
Country of Interview: U.S.AViolence: Holocaust survivor Milton Belfer
Language: English
Milton Belfer remembers when his parents were arrested and his father's beard was forcibly shaved.
Genocide: Holocaust survivor Itka Zygmuntowicz
Language: English
Holocaust survivor Itka Zygmuntowicz on the last time she saw her mother.
Peter Braunfeld
Language: English
Gender: Male
Born: 12/12/1930
City of Birth: Vienna, Austria
Country of Interview: U.S.AMollie Stauber
Language: English
Gender: Female
Born: 3/4/1926
City of Birth: Bilky, Czechoslovakia
Ghetto(s): Berehovo, Czechoslovakia
Camp(s): Auschwitz (Poland : Concentration Camp); Lübberstedt (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Other Experiences: Displaced persons camps
Country of Interview: U.S.A