Régine Jacubert (née Skørka) was born January 24, 1920 in Zagórów, Poland. Her father, Yacob Skørka taught Hebrew and Yiddish in a Yeshiva. Her mother, Slatka
Szejman was a milliner. She had three brothers. The family left for France in 1930, settling in Nancy.
At the time of the German invasion in 1940, the family sought refuge in Bordeaux, but Régine returned alone to Nancy, where she worked. The rest of her family was
arrested and interned. In Nancy, she escaped the large roundup in July 1942 and passed clandestinely into the Unoccupied Zone. She worked in Lyon and joined the resistance movement Combat in January 1943. In June 1944, she was arrested, taken to the Gestapo, and interrogated by Klaus Barbie. She was then deported to the
Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp via Drancy in July 1944. After three months, she was transferred to the Kratzau women’s forced labor camp in Czechoslovakia, where she worked in an armament factory. She was liberated by the Soviet Armed Forces on May 9, 1945, and she returned to France the following month.
At the end of the 1980s, she testified at the Klaus Barbie trial. She is fully invested in keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive and has told her story to school children in France. In 2009, she published her memoir, Fringale de vie contre usine à mort (Hunger for Life vs. Factory of Death).
The interview was conducted on February 7, 1996 in Nancy, France ; interviewer: Georges Gandwerg; videographer: Daniel Cattan.