Teacher Innovation Network

USC Shoah Foundation’s Teacher Innovation Network fosters collaboration among teachers around the world who have intersected with the Institute’s education programs.

It enables teachers who have benefitted from the Institute’s seminars on effective use of testimony in the classroom to converse and further refine their teaching practices. In short, it picks up where Institute professional development programs end, providing a continuous loop of engagement.

Research shows that when educators have opportunities to work with colleagues and share their expertise, student achievement on standardized assessments increases.

The primary purpose of the Network is to encourage this kind of worldwide collaboration and support, and to keep members informed about the work of the Institute and its many rich educational offerings.

Membership in the Network is automatic based on educators’ participation in the Institute’s professional-development programs – including Teaching With Testimony and ITeach – or their interest in Institute educational resources, such as IWitness.

Monthly e-blasts keep members updated on the activities of the Institute and its education department. The updates include literature on available content and resources; upcoming professional-development opportunities; and items framed around singular themes, such as historical events, holidays and best practices.

The e-blasts also invite dialogue by asking educators to share their professional opinions on various questions.


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53° 5' 33.3708" N, 101° 25' 32.8116" E