Tomasz Łysak
, Philosophy, University of Warsaw

Tomasz Łysak, University of Warsaw, received his PhD in Philosophy from the Polish Academy of Sciences. His work focuses on representations of the Holocaust in relation to trauma studies and psychoanalysis. He has held fellowships at the University of Washington, Seattle, the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Chicago. He published among others in Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Kwartalnik Filmowy, Teksty Drugie and in a number of edited volumes. He has been awarded a research grant from the National Science Centre entitled “From Newsreel to Post-Traumatic Film: Documentary and Artistic Films on the Holocaust” (2013-2015). He has edited Antologia studiów nad traumą (Trauma studies anthology, Kraków 2015) and is the author of Od kroniki do filmu posttraumatycznego – filmy dokumentalne o Zagładzie (Warszawa 2016).