Event Details

“What I Learned from Harry Reicher”

April 16, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Harry Reicher and Stephen Smith at Reicher’s public lecture in July 2014.
Harry Reicher and Stephen Smith at Reicher’s public lecture in July 2014.

University of Pennsylvania Lubavitch House

4032 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Stephen D. Smith, the Andrew J. and Erna Finci Viterbi Executive Director Chair, USC Shoah Foundation and Inaugural UNESCO Chair of Genocide Education will pay tribute to the late human rights scholar, Penn law professor, and Rutman Teaching Fellow Harry Reicher. Do not miss this opportunity to hear about the impact Professor Reicher made on one of the world’s leading Holocaust and Genocide educators and researchers. This evening will also highlight the power of testimony from the Holocaust and other genocides and how eyewitness accounts are being used to inspire action against intolerance.

For complimentary parking, please use the parking lot located at 41st and Walnut Streets. From Walnut Street, make a left onto 41st Street and immediate left into parking lot. 

This event is cosponsored with University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Start: April 16, 2015 / 7:00 PM
University of Pennsylvania Lubavitch House
4032 Spruce St., Philadelphia, United States