Zikaron BaSalon/Bringing Testimony Home
They Shared Their Stories. Now It's Your Turn.

Thursday, March 31
2:30-3:30 p.m. PDT / 5:30-6:30 p.m. EDT /
10:30-11:30 p.m. GMT / Friday, April 1st 8:30-9:30 a.m. AEDT
Virtual Event
Join us to learn about an exciting new program, which invites you to partake in a grassroots revolution for observing Yom HaShoah.
Over the last decade, more than 1.5 million people have gathered on or near Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in living rooms around the world to hear and engage with the stories of Holocaust survivors through Zikaron BaSalon (Living Room Remembrances), a grassroots initiative started in Israel.
USC Shoah Foundation and Zikaron BaSalon are partnering for the first time to offer kits for people to host their own in-person or virtual gatherings built around abridged testimonies from our Visual History Archive, along with discussion prompts and hosting tips.
Featuring TikTok Influencer, Dov Forman
USC Shoah Foundation’s Young Spokesperson, who created TikTok videos with his great-grandmother, survivor Lily Ebert, that have attracted more than 250 million views.
Special Guests:
Dr. Edith Eger Holocaust survivor, author, and psychologist specializing in trauma. Dr. Eger’s testimony was chosen to be included in the pilot kit for Zikaron BaSalon/Bringing Testimony Home
Esther Finder USC Shoah Foundation interviewer and member of the Coordinating Council of Generations of the Shoah International
Tova Dorfman Deputy Chairwoman for World Zionist Organization and Chair of the Department for Israel and Holocaust Commemoration Worldwide
Sharon Buenos Global Director for Zikaron BaSalon
Dr. Kori Street Finci Viterbi Interim Executive Director for USC Shoah Foundation
Lesly Culp Head of Programs-Education for USC Shoah Foundation
Hosted By:
Kim Saperstein Supporter of USC Shoah Foundation's expanded social media presence