Event Details
Comic Con - “Art and the Holocaust”
July 23, 2020 @ 10:00 am

Art and the Holocaust will present a sampling of artwork and propaganda done during World War II in the U.S. and Nazi Germany, and work done by a child survivor of the Holocaust after the war. Moderated by Stephen D. Smith, director of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute, panelists include Holocaust survivor Miriam Katin, graphic novelist/artist; author Sandra Scheller, exhibit creator RUTH: Remember Us, The Holocaust; Holocaust educator Esther Finder, founder of Generations of the Shoah International (GSI): and World War II historian Matt Dunford, chairman of San Diego Comic Fest.
Start Time: 10:00 am PDT | 1:00 pm EDT | 6:00 pm GMT | 3:00 AM AEST (24 July)
Start: July 23, 2020 / 10:00 AM