Event Details

Echoes and Reflections Online Professional Development

July 11, 2016 - July 31, 2016

Educators are introduced to Echoes and Reflections through a three-part online professional development course monthly from Echoes and Reflections on teaching the Holocaust using testimony from the Visual History Archive and other primary and secondary sources.

Echoes and Reflections delivers value to both experienced Holocaust educators who are supplementing their curricula and for teachers new to Holocaust education.

Teaching the Holocaust – Online Learning for Teachers includes three interactive learning modules released over three weeks. The course takes approximately six hours to complete in total. All educators may sign up at no cost.

The program introduces learners to classroom-ready comprehensive print and online resources, sound pedagogy for teaching about the Holocaust, instructional pathways to help students learn about the complex history of the Holocaust, background information on the history of anti-Semitism and strategies to incorporate a range of primary sources, including visual history testimony, to classroom instruction.

For an additional three hours, participants have the option of preparing an activity or mini-lesson for their classroom.

Participants may proceed at their own pace, with support from an instructor and interaction with other educators. Everyone who completes the course receives a certificate of completion and a copy of the Echoes and Reflections Teacher’s Resource Guide.

                                 Upcoming Course Dates for 2016

June 2016

 No Course

July 11-31st, 2016

 Register Here

August 2016

 No Course

September 5-25th , 2016

 Registration Opens August

October 20- 30th, 2016

 Registration Opens September

November 7 – 27th, 2016

 Registration Opens October

December 2016

No Course 

Start: July 11, 2016
End: July 31, 2016