Elise Keppler, "Advocating Justice for Mass Atrocities: A Behind the Scenes Look"

Wednesday, January 27, 2015
12 - 1:30 p.m. (Lunch served)
USC Gould, Musick Law Building, Room 130
USC Shoah Foundation will co-sponsor this public lecture with the USC Gould School of Law's International Human Rights Clinic, the International Law and Relations and the International Rfugee Assistance Project.
Elise Keppler is associate director of the International Justice Program at Human Rights Watch. She is the author of fact-finding reports on the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone and Uganda’s International Crimes Division, and played an integral role in advocacy for former Liberian president Charles Taylor’s surrender to the Special Court and Darfur’s referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Ms. Keppler works closely with civil society across Africa to combat unprincipled backlash to the ICC following arrest warrants for the Sudanese president for Darfur crimes. She is regularly quoted by international and African media, including Associated Press, British Broadcasting Corporation, Al Jazeera, National Public Radio, New York Times, American Lawyer, Guardian (Nigeria), Daily Times (Malawi), The Monitor (Uganda), and Mail and Guardian (South Africa).
Ms. Keppler will talk about her advocacy efforts in Africa for international justice for mass atrocities and the backlash against the International Criminal Court. Ms. Keppler's presentation will include an insider view of what it's like to be a lawyer in one of the world's leading human rights organizations.