The Genocide of the Roma in Southeastern Europe (1941-1945)

May 23, 2024 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET
An estimated 70-80% of Europe’s Roma and Sinti (whom the Nazis referred to pejoratively as “Gypsies”) were killed during World War II, a devastating genocide with effects that echo throughout the community today.
Join us on May 23 as Dr. Milovan Pisarri, research fellow at Belgrade University, lectures on the mechanisms that led to the Roma Genocide in southeastern Europe, the history of anti-Roma racism, and the reasons behind the general lack of interest in the topic.
Recovering Victims’ Voices
This talk is part of a new lectures series on marginalized victims of Nazi persecution. “Recovering Victims’ Voices: Black, LGBTQI+, Persons with Disabilities, and Roma Communities and the Holocaust” will highlight new and emerging scholarship on often un- or underexplored victims of Nazi persecution. The series demonstrates how historical identity-based hate influences contemporary discourse about race, gender, sexuality, and disabilities.