Event Details

(In-)Voluntary Body Alterations During and After Mass Violence and Genocide

Free Event. RSVP Required. 
September 08, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - September 08, 2022 @ 1:30 pm | Free Event. RSVP Required.

A public lecture by the 2022-2023 Interdisciplinary Research Week team
(Join us in person for this lecture or attend virtually on Zoom)

Elisabeth Anstett (CNRS, Paris, France, Social Anthropology)
Jean-Marc Dreyfus (University of Manchester, UK, History and Holocaust Studies)
Michaela Haibl (University of Dortmund, Germany, Cultural Anthropology)
Anne-Berenike Rothstein (University of Konstanz, Germany, Romance Literature and Comparative & General Literature)
Seán Williams (University of Sheffield, UK, German and European Cultural History)

Organized by the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research

Each year, the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research hosts a team of scholars from different universities, different countries, and different academic disciplines for one week so that they can develop and discuss a collaborative, innovative, and interdisciplinary research project in the field of Holocaust and Genocide Studies using the video testimonies of the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive (VHA) and other related resources at the USC.

Join us for this lecture by the 2022-2023 Interdisciplinary Research Week team who are gathering at the Center to develop their interdisciplinary project on the significance of [in]voluntary bodily alterations and bodily markings, such as tattoos, for the construction and deconstruction of identity in mass violence and post-mass violence periods. In this presentation, the scholars will discuss the project’s inception, progress, and initial thoughts springing from the team’s intensive discussion, research, experimentation, and collaboration.

Read more about the team's project here.

COVID-19 protocols:

While masks are not required for this event, we ask that attendees, vaccinated or unvaccinated, consider wearing them for their own protection and the protection of others.

If you are feeling unwell day-of, please join us online! All attendees will be emailed the Zoom link upon registration.

Start: September 08, 2022 / 12:00 PM
End: September 08, 2022 / 1:30 PM
Cost: Free Event. RSVP Required.
Where: Social Sciences Building, Room 250, Los Angeles, CA
Social Sciences Building, Room 250
3502 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089, United States
price: Free Event. RSVP Required.