Event Details

Introduction to IWitness

Using Visual History in the Classroom

February 10, 2022 @ 6:00 pm

6:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM MST / 9:00 PM EST

The Colorado Holocaust Educators along with the Coalition against Global Genocide, the Mizel Museum, and the Holocaust Awareness Institute at the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver will host USC Shoah Foundation's IWitness for a special 90-minute online professional development opportunity, for Colorado's middle school and high school educators. In this workshop, educators will discover the power of audiovisual testimony from survivors and witnesses of genocide and will learn how to integrate testimony-based resources in the classroom to build students' critical literacy and deepen students’ understanding of history.

This online event will take place 7-8:30PM Mountain Standard Time.

To register

Please email Todd Hennessy at tphennessy@hotmail.com with your name, current school, and teaching assignment. After your registration is confirmed (please allow up to 48 hours to receive confirmation), you will be given more information on the special resources to view before and/or after the live session, the zoom link, and additional information.


Start: February 10, 2022 / 6:00 PM