Lecture with Professor David Crane: "Syria: The Search for Justice and Accountability"
Please join USC Shoah Foundation as it co-hosts a lecture with the USC Gould School of Law International Human Rights Clinic.
Professor David Crane, former Chief Prosecuter at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, will discuss the effort he has led to seek justice for the hundreds
of thousands killed and millions displaced since 2011 in Syria’s ongoing civil war. Crane will detail his tireless advocacy before the UN Security Council, General Assembly, and the US Congress in hopes of establishing a Syrian Extraordinary Tribunal to Prosecute Atrocity Crimes.
THURS., OCT. 30, 2014 – 1-2PM
(Lunch served at 12:45PM)
USC Gould, Musick Law Building, Room 103
Lunch will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please RSVP at: law.usc.edu/go/ihrc-syria/
For more information, please email Lorena Roberts at lroberts@law.usc.edu