New Dimensions in Testimony Testing at Museum of Tolerance

Engage with interactive Holocaust survivor testimonies from New Dimensions on Testimony at the Museum of Tolerance.
USC Shoah Foundation is developing New Dimensions in Testimony, a new technology that will enable individuals to be able to have a "virtual conversation" with Holocaust survivors about their life experiences. The pioneering project integrates advanced filming techniques, specialized display technologies, and next-generation natural language processing to provide an intimate experience with eyewitnesses to history who are uniquely qualified to offer personal reflections and answer direct questions about their firsthand experiences with the Holocaust. Envisioned by concept developer Conscience Display, New Dimensions in Testimony was launched with technological expertise from USCs world-renowned Institute for Creative Technologies. Now in its testing phase, New Dimensions in Testimony needs your help to create the best experience possible. We are conducting testing that will give us the chance to create a more perfect interaction between New Dimensions in Testimony and the public. By participating, you can help us fine tune the platform while having a special glimpse into the technology.