The Search for the White Rose - A Documentary Screening
Film Screening: The Search for the White Rose
A documentary by Peter Logue
Followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker and USC student activists
November 10, 2015
Location & Time: SGM 123 , 7pm
In 1942, amidst inexplicable evil and destruction, a small group of University of Munich students and one professor found themselves morally incapable of remaining complicit. Through the publication and distribution of six anti-Nazi leaflets, the members of the White Rose implored their countrymen to rise against the government by asking them to consider the “dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes- crimes that infinitely outdistance every human measure- reach the light of day.”
In this documentary, Peter Logue explores the legacy that was left behind by the members of the White Rose after they were executed at the hands of the Gestapo. Through extensive interviews with scholars and conversations with current University of Munich students, Logue asks us all to consider what we can learn from the White Rose today and, most importantly, "what would you have done?"
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This event is in cooperation with DEFY, the USC Shoah Foundation Student organization.