Susan Crown
Connecting Generations
Susan Crown understands the importance of inspiring future generations to achieve unimaginable goals.
Her industrialist and philanthropist grandfather, Henry Crown, who founded Material Service, which merged with General Dynamics in 1959, inspired his son, Lester, who in turn, inspired Susan.
The Vice President of Henry Crown and Company now seeks to herald USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education’s mission to the next generation. As chair of the Next Generation Council, she leads the effort to educate, inspire and engage the next generation of leaders in support of the Institute’s work.
“Each day that passes creates further distance between those who experienced the Holocaust and those who view it as distant history,” Crown said. “It becomes ever more important to connect generations by retelling the powerful stories contained in the Visual History Archive.
“The rising generation is extremely interested in this issue, its potential to teach, and its power to move people to action.”
“Holocaust survivors and witnesses have demonstrated great courage by sharing their stories with the world”, she said.
“Now it is up to us to carry their messages forward. Second and third generations have a unique role to play. These sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters can speak to this history — and the work of the Institute — in a uniquely personal and meaningful way. They can make a difference.”