How do I apply to become an interviewer?
Just fill out this form, and we'll contact you.
What types of skills are needed to become an interviewer?
People with interviewing experience and a strong knowledge of the Holocaust are encouraged to volunteer as interviewers. This may include those who are descendants of survivors and/or who have a background in academia, journalism, social work, and the care professions.
What are the responsibilities of an interviewer?
The interviewer’s role is to interview a Holocaust witness. This involves arranging a convenient date and time for the interview, completing a pre-interview questionnaire, researching and preparing for the interview, and then doing the filmed interview.
If I apply, how will I be notified that I’ve been accepted?
Applicants will be notified when there is a need to take testimony in their local geographical region. When the need arises, we invite an applicant to take our Interviewer Orientation online course.
What is interviewer training like?
Interviewer Orientation is a self-paced online course. It usually takes 5-10 hours to complete. In it, you will be introduced to the main concepts of USC Shoah Foundation interviewing, illustrated by examples from real testimonies. There are quizzes and discussion assignments to complete. After completing the course, you will contact the course supervisor and start to be assigned interviews.
Are interviewers paid?
No, but travel expenses can be reimbursed.
Are interviewers required to travel?
In general, very little. We are looking to use interviewers who are local to interviewees.
How many interviews are interviewers expected to conduct?
There is no set number. We are grateful for any interviews you can do for us!
How long does an interview take?
Before the interview, the interviewer will usually also spend a few hours conducting a pre-interview questionnaire as well as researching and preparing for the interview. The interview process on the day of the interview takes approx. half a day which includes travel to the site, prep, interview, and post interview elements. The filmed interview itself usually lasts between one and three hours, focusing on the Holocaust, but also including questions about prewar and postwar life. After that, there is often a section where the interviewee presents any significant photographs, documents, or artifacts, and a section where any family members may appear on camera to say a few words (if they wish).