On February 11, Dr. Howard Gardner, best known for his theory of multiple intelligences, engaged in a public conversation on the art science of 21st-century education with Dr. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, an award-winning behavioral and social scientist and faculty member at the University of Southern California.
Three professional-development videos for secondary-school teachers are now available on the Institute’s website. The videos, which average 25 minutes in length, delve into the theory and practice of using testimony for education and digital tools such as IWitness.
On February 2, we commemorated the 70th anniversary of the decisive WWII Battle of Stalingrad. That battle changed the course of the war, leading to the final victory over Nazi Germany. As many as two million lives may have been lost at Stalingrad. We invite you to watch edited and subtitled clips from testimonies of three Red Army veterans who participated in the frontline fighting. The Visual History Archive of USC Shoah Foundation contains interviews with hundreds of Allied liberators and Jewish war veterans from all fronts of WWII.
The weekend before International Holocaust Remembrance Day, experts from Yad Vashem, the Department for Education and Culture of the Jewish Museum in Prague, the Terezin Memorial, and USC Shoah Foundation - The Institute for Visual History and Education held training seminars for teachers in the Czech Republic. The Institute presented its Czech-language educational resources, which are based on the testimony of Holocaust survivors and other witnesses; the seminars reached teachers in the cities of Karlovy Vary, Ostrov nad Ohří and Plzeň.