USC and UCLA may be rivals on the football field, but they came together for a very important cause last week - the Armenian Genocide collection.
Armenian Genocide, ucla / Friday, August 1, 2014
A group of men is placed in several trucks. They are driven through the streets and out of town into an open area surrounded by trees. They are beaten around the head with rifle butts, made to run in a group towards an open mass grave. A mere handful of armed guards make them lie in the grave like sardines. Then they are shot one by one in broad daylight. The horrific spectacle, highly reminiscent of the Nazi Einsatzgruppen Aktions in the Soviet Union in 1941, was, in fact, the mass murder of some 30 men that took place in Iraq just this week. 
ISIS, Iraq, genocide, Middle East, op-eds / Saturday, August 2, 2014
One year after learning how to incorporate testimony into their lesson plans, the 2013 Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century graduates in Hungary returned for a follow-up session to share the lessons they have now piloted in their classrooms.
teaching with testimony for the 21st century, budapest, hungary, Andrea Szőnyi / Monday, August 4, 2014
For years now I have noticed that my students are especially interested in the information from non- traditional educational channels; visual and auditory information are often more welcome than academic texts from their books. The reason, we have experienced a shift in the methods that young people process information these days. 
Teaching with Testimony, hungary, education, op-eds / Monday, August 4, 2014
The Spring 2014 issue of PastForward includes an excerpt of director Joshua Oppenheimer’s talk, which he gave in Los Angeles on the eve of the Oscars, describing his own journey of discovery as he encountered perpetrators willing to describe, even boast about, their acts of killing.
the act of killing, pastforward / Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Dario Gabbai, whose testimony is in the Visual History Archive, stopped by the USC Shoah Foundation last week to donate World War II era documents and artifacts for preservation and research.
/ Wednesday, August 6, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation has partnered with its first Jewish day school – Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County in New Jersey – to introduce teachers to methods of teaching with testimony and incorporate the Institute's educational materials into the school curriculum.
partner school, iwitness / Thursday, August 7, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation’s international conference Nov. 16-18 will begin with a panel that brings together experts in using digital archives in education.
conference, international conference / Friday, August 8, 2014
Emberek egy csoportját teherautókra rakják. A városon keresztül egy erdei tisztásra hajtanak velük, leszállítják őket, és puskatussal kergetik az előre megásott tömegsír felé. Őrök kényszerítik, hogy szardínia módjára helyezkedjenek el a gödörben. Azután egyenként végeznek velük.
/ Thursday, August 7, 2014
Art engages broader audiences and raises awareness of genocide in Rwanda, says Kwibuka20 international creative director Stacie Chaiken in the spring 2014 issue of PastForward.
pastforward, art, rwanda / Monday, August 11, 2014
My “mormor” (literally mother's mother) Greta exuded love and her heart burst for my sister and me. Along with my “morfar” (mother's father) Ingvar, they ensured us an innocent and idyllic childhood in a small town in Sweden. Greta's pork chops with cream sauce were my favorites and I later learned my father would devour when given the opportunity.
Holland, holocaust, Dutch, op-eds / Tuesday, August 12, 2014
To help combat the stresses of working with genocide, USC Shoah Foundation hosted a Trauma Education workshop for Aegis Trust and Kigali Genocide Memorial staff in Rwanda last week.
rwanda, kigali genocide memorial, kwibuka, beth meyerowitz / Tuesday, August 12, 2014
As the new school year begins, USC Shoah Foundation’s IWitness consultants are busy introducing teachers to IWitness and teaching with testimony at seminars and workshops around the country.
iwitness, teacher training, educator / Wednesday, August 13, 2014
After two months working with the USC Shoah Foundation, the 2014 Research in Industrial Projects (RIPS) team made great strides in finding a way to link an outside archive to video segments in IWitness. The team presented their findings to USC Shoah Foundation staff on Wednesday.
ipam, rips, mathematics, ucla, technology / Thursday, August 14, 2014
As USC Shoah Foundation commemorates 20 years of collecting genocide survivor testimony, the “Early Mediations of the Holocaust” panel will delve into some of the first narratives ever shared about the Holocaust.
conference, Schindler's List, jeffrey shandler, international conference / Friday, August 15, 2014
In the Spring 2014 issue of PastForward, Professor Peter Kreko says education is necessary to combat Hungary’s troubling rise in antisemitism.
pastforward, anti-semitism, hungary / Tuesday, August 19, 2014
After several postponements due to the political turmoil in their country, the 2012 Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century Ukrainian cohort finally came together this month for a follow-up session about the lessons they created over the last two years.
/ Wednesday, August 20, 2014
After a successful test run, the educational website IWitness is coming out of beta with new functionality, additional languages, as well as a faster and easier way for educators to create accounts so they can begin using IWitness in their classrooms without delay.
/ Thursday, August 21, 2014
The testimonies of Holocaust survivors were recorded for the Visual History Archive 50 years after the Holocaust took place, but testimonies of more recent genocides are increasingly being collected. The Dynamics of Oral History of War and Genocide panel will examine the challenges, implications and responsibilities that modern testimony collections have for communities that have experienced war and genocide.
conference, indonesia, international conference / Friday, August 22, 2014
From the spring 2014 issue of PastForward: French film director and documentarian Claude Lanzmann visited USC Shoah Foundation for the first time this December, bringing with him his latest film and a simple request for the future.
claude lanzmann, pastforward / Monday, August 25, 2014
The fast pace of globalization with all of its benefits is also accelerating the viral spread of hatred. Where once regional enmities brewed for centuries with sporadic outbursts of warfare and imperial powers that waxed and waned, the truly global speed and scale of ideological hatred and international conflict was not possible until recently for many practical reasons.
Hate, Tolerance, ISIS, Europe, Globalization, anti-semitism, GAM, op-eds / Monday, August 25, 2014
Educators can now access three of USC Shoah Foundation’s Ukrainian-language lesson guides and modules for free on the USC Shoah Foundation website. Each lesson includes everything teachers need including testimony and film clips.
/ Tuesday, August 26, 2014
This September a new school year will begin in Ukraine and the first lesson students be taught is “Ukraine is united" and the lesson will be devoted to state integrity of Ukraine. A tough issue for the country engrossed into an ongoing military conflict and terrorist attacks.
Ukraine, education, op-eds / Wednesday, August 27, 2014
For the third consecutive year, a new group of teachers gathered in Hungary for the Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century professional development program to learn how to create their own testimony-based lessons and classroom activities.
teaching with testimony for the 21st century, hungary, budapest, iwalk, central european university, Andrea Szőnyi / Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Teachers throughout the San Diego Unified School District had the opportunity to attend an IWitness training led by USC Shoah Foundation staff on Monday.
iwitness, san diego / Thursday, August 28, 2014
The Social Engagements with Holocaust Remembrance in New Media panel will illustrate just three of the many fascinating ways scholars are looking at testimony in its various forms in order to study the mediation of Holocaust remembrance.
international conference, New Dimensions in Testimony / Friday, August 29, 2014