Az emlékezés célja nem pusztán a múlt megőrzése, hanem a jövő védelme." - mondta beszédében Barack Obama elnök, a USC Soá Alapítvány fennálásának 2O. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett jubileumi gálaünnepségen, melyhez kapcsolódóan videóinterjúkra épülő bemutató tanórát tartott Szőnyi Andrea, a USC Soá Alapítvány nemzetközi oktatási főtanácsadója és magyarországi képviselője. 
/ Monday, May 12, 2014
As USC Shoah Foundation’s 2014 Yom Hashoah Scholar-in-Residence, Professor Mohammed Dajani gave an inspiring lecture on Friday about teaching the Holocaust to his Palestinian students.
yom hashoah, palestine / Monday, May 12, 2014
Dartmouth College is the latest university to gain full access to USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
/ Tuesday, May 13, 2014
The Spring 2014 edition of PastForward features articles from scholars around the world and a special photo shoot to commemorate USC Shoah Foundation’s 20th anniversary.
/ Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Staff from USC Shoah Foundation will gather with education leaders, teachers and other experts to explore the best practices of using filmed witness testimony in education in Ostrava, Czech Republic, on June 5.
/ Friday, May 16, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research is now seeking proposals for its first-ever research fellowship, open to graduate and post-graduate students.
fellowship, center for advanced genocide research, Doug Greenberg, cagr / Thursday, May 15, 2014
In the Spring 2014 issue of PastForward, Holocaust survivor Roman Kent shares his story of survival, education and one very special dog.
pastforward, roman kent / Monday, May 19, 2014
The Holocaust has always been a topic close to my heart. Not only because I am Jewish and Israeli, but also because I’ve been learning about the Holocaust since my childhood. Last year, I felt the strongest connection to the Holocaust when I attended March of the Living, a two-week trip to Poland and Israel.
op-eds / Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Testimony clips of Hungarian Holocaust survivors have been incorporated into a fascinating project out of Budapest: Open Society Archive’s “Yellow-Star Houses” online mapping exhibit.
central european university, budapest, yellow star / Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I look at the picture and realize this is why I’m working at the USC Shoah Foundation. This is what it’s all about. The photo shows two women standing in a field of green grass dotted with dandelions. The younger of the two has her arm wrapped around the other. The older woman smiles at the camera, while the other’s attention is focused only on her friend. The bond between them comes through; the love they share is unmistakable.
March of the Living, auschwitz, op-eds / Wednesday, May 21, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation’s education staff have published an article revealing IWitness’s profound effect on high school students around the world in an annual publication by UNESCO.
iwitness, article / Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Graduate students specializing in Holocaust research will come together at the University of Southern California beginning Monday for the week-long Researching the Holocaust workshop.
center for advanced genocide research, cagr / Thursday, May 22, 2014
Looking into a mirror and making sure her hair looked just so, Yevnigue Salibian didn’t notice me as I was taking her picture. It took a few seconds, but when she finally realized I had documented her act of vanity, she smiled coyly.
Armenian Genocide, testimony, GAM, op-eds / Monday, August 31, 2015
Jacqueline Semha Gmach traveled to Paris last month to oversee the recording of four testimonies for USC Shoah Foundation’s new North Africa and Middle East collection, and returned inspired and awed by the interviewees and their experiences.
tname, jacqueline gmach / Monday, May 26, 2014
Yevnigue Salibian is one of the few remaining survivors of the Armenian Genocide, and one of last to provide testimony of that event for the USC Shoah Foundation. She was just a baby when the atrocity began, but has clear recollections of events that lasted into the early 1920s.
armenian surivor, Armenian / Friday, May 23, 2014
Esther Toporek Finder discusses how second and third generation survivors embrace the message of education and remembrance in this article from PastForward Spring 2014.
/ Tuesday, May 27, 2014
With the addition of the Armenian Film Foundation collection and Jewish Family and Children’s Services of San Francisco (JFCS)’s collection of Holocaust testimonies, USC Shoah Foundation now has 53,583 testimonies of genocide survivors and witnesses from 61 countries in 39 languages.
statistics / Thursday, May 29, 2014
J. Michael Hagopian's prized 16mm Ariflex camera, which he used to record testimonies of Armenian Genocide survivors, is now in the possession of the USC Shoah Foundation.
Hagopian, camera, Armenian Genocide / Friday, May 30, 2014
A story on the CBS This Morning show about the latest in digital moviemaking technology made sure to note that the technology isn’t just for making imaginary creatures and movie stunt doubles – it’s also being used to create fully interactive displays of Holocaust survivors.
new dimensions, New Dimensions in Testimony, Pinchas Gutter / Monday, June 2, 2014
Holocaust education is uniquely situated in China, a country without an antisemitic tradition, and thousands of miles from where the Holocaust happened. The last 20 years have seen great progress with Holocaust education programs there.
xu xin, China and the Holocaust / Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Guatemala, Pambach, GAM, op-eds / Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Staff and scholars of the USC Shoah Foundation will participate in discussion about the latest in Holocaust studies at the Association of Holocaust Organizations (AHO)’s 29th annual conference this week in St. Petersburg, Fla.
aho, patrick desbois, wendy lower, kori street, michael berenbaum / Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Liz Bommarito, USC Shoah Foundation’s IWitness regional consultant based in New York, introduced her colleagues at Midwood High School to IWitness at a presentation today.
iwitness, liz bommarito, regional consultants / Thursday, June 5, 2014
On the 70th anniversary of D-Day, in which Allied troops landed on the Normandy coast in France, USC Shoah Foundation has published a new online exhibit featuring the testimonies of soldiers and witnesses who recall that historic day.
normandy, d-day, exhibit, france / Friday, June 6, 2014
In the Spring 2014 issue of PastForward, Stephen Smith interviews Edouard Bamporiki about how he uses poetry to bring Tutsi and Hutu together.
edouard bamporiki, rwandan genocide witness / Monday, June 9, 2014
The Yom HaShoah Vigil is an annual event at the University at Albany, coordinated by the University at Albany Hillel. As this year’s Jewish Life Chair, the event is under my direction. The 24-hour vigil allows the campus community the chance to examine different ways to connect to the Holocaust; I strongly believe that in order to never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust, it is important for each person to find their own way to connect with it personally.
UAlbany, yom hashoah, op-eds / Monday, June 9, 2014
Nitra, 27. apríla 2010. Dokumentačné Stredisko Holokaustu v spolupráci s Metodicko-pedagogickým centrom v Nitre a USC Shoah Foundation usporiadali v tomto roku už tretí seminár pre učiteľov, na tému: Využívanie videosvedectiev vo vzdelávacom procese. Takmer 40 učiteľov histórie, literatúry, etiky a občianskej náuky bolo na konkrétnych prípadoch oboznámených s možnosťami využitia filmových svedectiev z archívu USC Shoah Foundation na vzdelávacie účely, a to na celoslovenskej aj regionálnej úrovni.
/ Tuesday, April 27, 2010
