The Czech project Ours or Foreign? Jews in the Czech 20th Century delivered materials and training to 600 educators in the last fiscal year and added a new unit on the Terezín family camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau featuring testimony clips from the Visual History Archive.
ours or foreign, Czechoslovakia, czech, Czech Republic, Martin Smok, Jewish Museum, Prague, terezin / Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The President of the Republic went on record to tell the prospective immigrants “nobody invited you here!” Refugees escaping from a murderous regime are regarded as agents of that very regime. Concerned citizens who never saw a refugee discuss them with great fear: refugees will take our jobs, kill our wives, rape our daughters. “We may take a few of those who can prove they are and always were Christians,” some interior ministry clerk declared.
Czech Republic, Refugee Crisis, World Refugee Day, op-eds / Monday, August 24, 2015