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New video challenge inspires students and educators to fight against discrimination, injustice and hate by using the power of testimony to create a brighter future.
Stronger Than Hate Challenge, discovery education, iwitness / Wednesday, January 16, 2019
In an effort to spark a social movement against hatred in all forms, USC Shoah Foundation, established by Steven Spielberg after his experience filming “Schindler’s List”— which gave voice to survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides through education and action – and Discovery Education, today announced the Teaching with Testimony 2019 Stronger Than Hate Challenge winners.
education, discovery, Stronger Than Hate Challenge / Thursday, September 5, 2019
In January 2017, USC Shoah Foundation launched 100 Days to Inspire Respect to provide teachers of civics, history, English and other subjects new thought-provoking resources for the first 100 days of the incoming administration.
education, iwitness, Stronger Than Hate Challenge / Thursday, January 21, 2021
USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education (USC Shoah Foundation), and Discovery Education today announced the winners of the 2021 Stronger Than Hate Challenge. The 2021 winners exemplify the power of youth voices to connect communities and the role of social-emotional learning in empowering students to overcome hate.
education, discovery education, sth, Stronger Than Hate Challenge / Monday, October 18, 2021
USC Shoah Foundation and Discovery Education have announced the winners of the United Kingdom category of the 2021 international Stronger Than Hate Challenge
First prize in the challenge was awarded to Elizabeth Stickland, a Year 8 (US 7th grade) student from Attleborough Academy who wrote a powerful poem about how communities can overcome prejudice. Elizabeth’s top prize is a £5,000 ($6,700) grant for her school and an iPad.
education, Stronger Than Hate Challenge, discovery education / Monday, November 22, 2021