USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education has added a collection of testimonies of survivors and rescuers from the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi genocide to its Visual History Archive. This marks the first integration of testimonies outside of Holocaust survivors and witnesses into the Visual History Archive.
rwanda, collection, expansion, aegis, kigali genocide memorial, kgm, Freddy Mutanguha, Stephen Smith / Friday, April 19, 2013
Over 70 new testimonies have been added to IWitness to increase the scope of experiences students can engage with. IWitness now features 1,321 video testimonies from the Visual History Archive that allows teachers and their students to search, watch, and learn directly from the eyewitness to history. IWitness activities allow students to construct multimedia projects that integrate testimony clips together with footage from other sources, as well as photographs and maps, voiceover audio, music and text.
iwitness, rwanda, kigali, aegis / Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Swedish Embassy today announced funding for an ambitious new Rwanda-wide peace-building program.  The Rwanda Peace Education Programme is designed to counter behavioral risk factors for genocide by promoting social cohesion, pluralism, personal responsibility, empathy, critical thinking and action to build a more peaceful society.
sida, aegis, James Smith, rwanda, sweden / Monday, June 17, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation’s director of research and documentation, Karen Jungb
rwanda, education, kori street, karen jungblut, aegis / Friday, August 16, 2013